If you want to create an infinite scroll that loops over the same values, ListWheelScrollView.useDelegate() is the way to go.
It took me about half a day to figure it out after playing with ListWheelScrollView. Here is a sample of how I implemented ListWheelScrollView.useDelegate() in my calendar app.
Here are a few things you need to know:
- You need to use ListWheelScrollView.useDelegate() because that will allow you to use ListWheelChildLoopingDelegate.
- physics should be set to FixedExtentScrollPhysics() (which can only be used with ListWheelScrollView()). You can also set the initial item of the scroll (= index of your list)
ScrollController _ct = FixedExtentScrollController(initialItem: 6);
3. You can use onSelectedItemChanged to execute methods each time it changes. In my code, I use it for two things: (a) to change the hour shown above the infinite scroll, and (b) to change the AM/PM depending on how the hour was changed.
4. …that’s it! Nothing more as long as your list contains all the values you need.
FYI, I only use one scroll loop for both start and end. I change the list depending on whether start is expanded or end is expanded.
And to make sure that start time < end time, I continuously check the time against each other, and also change the AM and PM. Here’s a sample code.